  dreamtorch for storm

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  • DreamTorch v1.1 for 85xx, i know theres a lot of peeps with 85xx wanting to try this theme. File got a password , which is the Folders name .
    powered by smf 2.0 cookeville auto classifieds: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:46 am MST: psbot 2 0 20100207122720 0. yodaobot 567 0 20100228202132 0 . DreamTorch v1.1 for 85xx - Get BlackBerry.
    Hey mine name is ayhan, i am using de dreamtorch os 6 theme on mine curve 8520 with os 5, i was wondering if some1 can make a theme like that with sliding dock like
    Tema: OS 6 Replica/Dreamtorch Tema.

    Storm Spelle

    dreamtorch for storm

    Blackberry 6 OS theme reamTorch OS6.
    This is DreamTorch; the best Blackberry OS6 emulator theme for the Blackberry Curve 85xx series, including the 8520 and 8530i. As you may know, the OS6 update is

    dreamtorch for storm

    os6 dreamtorch like theme for os5 curve.

    Storm Uhren
    DreamTorch v1.1 for 85xx - Get BlackBerry.

    Tema: OS 6 Replica/Dreamtorch Tema.

    Hola,Jose tiene razón tenéis que poner Descargar Vía OTA Gracias.

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