60 Cm - Amazon.de27.11.2007 · i went to the doctor today and they say that im 1 cm dilated and im 60 percent effaced so what does that mean?? am i going to have the baby tomorrow i mean Niedrige Preise, Riesen-Auswahl und kostenlose Lieferung ab nur € 20 30.08.2010 · Best Answer: Nothing really. You can be 1cm dilated for weeks before you actually go into labor. You have received other answers giving a more scientific
Yahoo! Answers - 95% effaced, 2 cm.
60 percent effaced 1 cm dilated
1 cm and 70% effaced - Pregnancy 35+.Hi all. I am 38 weeks today. I am due May 16th. I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. What does the 70% effaced mean? I know it is
What Does 60 Effaced Mean
1cm dilated and 50 percent effaced |.1000e Angebote von Top Onlineshops! Finden. Vergleichen. Sparen.
If you are 3 cm dilated and 80 percent.
What does 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated.1cm dilated and 50 percent effaced. so i went to the dr yesterday and he said that i am dilated about a fingertip (1cm?) and 50 percent effaced. people have told me
38 weeks and 1 cm diliated and 60%.07.08.2007 · Best Answer: I am betting Friday or Saturday. Go WALK WALK WALK some people say a warm bath can help things along.. and if it doesnt it may well
60 cm
60 percent effaced 1 cm dilated
38 weeks, 2-3 cm dilated, and 70%.I am due 1/27/2011. Just wondering if anyone was around the same before they went into labor and how long it took before you went into labor. I do understand that I would say.. SOON! I know when I was pregnant I felt like it would take forever! I thought I would always be pregnant and when the Dr. told me I was fully effaced
1 Cm 50 Percent Effaced
60% Effacement and Dilation